Wednesday 5 October 2011

Fin -

The art of blogging became a world-wide phenomenon in the late 20th century when access to the internet became readily available in the western world. Having never kept a blog before, I admittedly had my reservations about the task; these worries quickly dwindled away and instead I was left feeling accomplished after every blog post, not only had I managed to write a whole entry in another language, but I had an audience and was getting feedback.

Finding different sources and sub-topics was probably the most challenging aspect of keeping a blog, especially as this had to be done on a weekly basis and in an original style every time. Ultimately, though, the exposure to different French sources really improved both my formal and informal French language skills as I was coming across all sorts of vocabulary (not only about culture shock but useful French expressions) and I had constant practice.

Despite the minor difficulties, I enjoyed the blogging task greatly and found that this sort of assessment was much more beneficial and rewarding than the typical essay style assessment one usually encounters in language courses.

I enjoyed the freedom that came with choosing what to write about, in what style to write it in and when (in that week) I could write it. The main problem soon became the word limit – those 80 words were generally multiplied by at least 3, evidently showing my enthusiasm about the task! 

Merci pour votre patience et à la prochaine! 

Bises, Nicole